Non-Violent Activist from Bethlehem
So what made you choose non violent methods from the beginning?
Because I think this hurts more. This is a good policy. Choosing to be a guide is part of my struggle to let people know about my cause.
Previously, back in my life I think it was a very good way to fight back against the occupation and in a way that really hurts the occupation because Israel is not happy about what we have done and are doing. I was in prison six times. One of the reasons for instance to why I am blacklisted. All my staff, my collegues are black listed because we do work, we show foreigners, tourists, the situation of Palestine. Also the BDS, movement, boycotts, deinvests, sancions, Israel is very much concerned about it.
So, it´s very powerful?
It´s very powerful. It´s influencing Israel o a lot. The latest that happened from the BDS movement. One example is the Argentina boycott in socker to come and play with Israel. So Israel is really concerned about boycotts. And this I think it is also part of the struggle, it is not enough only to boycott, and it not enough only to just go in non violence. We have to sensitize people, mobilize people to pressure their goverments.
What makes you strong to keep on, and to believe in non violence?
It´s hope. We say only the question. If you say, just hear, live here you are doing non violent resistence.
Was this something that your parents taught you?
No, I found it myself. I am not religious, I am Christian. I am educated. Christian schools. So part of it may be my Christian background. You know Jesus was non violent. He was for love, he was for peace.
So where do you find strength to carry on?
I love the country, I love the sun, we see the sun 360 day per year. It is a question of how you choose to live your life. We don´t want war or violence, we are not violent. We want freedom to live our lives, and we want justice. Today what we do need to be supported by international sanctions and international pressure in order to follow international law, and that too is non violent methods.
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